Education and Certifications

Executive MBA in Management, Technology & Entrepreneurship

EPFL, HEC, BiMBA (December 2013), 5.1/6.0, 96/90 credits obtained

View the web site

The EPFL EMBA is a tailored program designed to provide managers and executives a fully-accredited MBA curriculum while at the same time focusing on how to identify, encourage, and support innovative activity with the intent of generating value for their organizations.

The EPFL EMBA is the longest-running European Executive MBA program specializing in the management of innovation. It focuses on providing a bridge between the technology innovation strength of EPFL and the international business community.

For my session, it was a cross-program between EPFL, HEC-Unil and BiMBA.

Core courses

  • Accounting & Control
  • Business Economics
  • Business Law Fundamentals
  • Financial Accounting
  • Marketing Management
  • Statistics & Quantitative Methods
  • Business & Society
  • Finance Fundamentals
  • Leading Organizational and Cultural Change
  • Managing your career in the digital Universe
  • Operations & Supply Chain Management

Specialization Modules

  • Assessing the Valuation of New Ventures
  • China Business Environment
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Executing & Managing Sales
  • Industrial Restructuring
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • International Negotiations
  • Management of Innovation
  • Managing the Project
  • Marketing for High-tech Entrepreneurs
  • Marketing in Life Sciences
  • New Venture Strategy
  • Strategic Alliances, Partnership and Outsourcing
  • Sustainable Leadership
  • Venture Legal Aspects
  • Setting up a Successful Business in China

Specialization Project

  • Business Plan
  • Internship Project

Master of Science /

Communications Systems Engineer EPFL (October 2004), 4.73/6.0, 160/150 credits obtained

Program in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

The program in Communication Systems offers a unique education emphasizing the interplay of mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering. It covers fields like wireless communications, networking and mobility, internet computing, information security or signal processing.

Topics for years 3, 4, 5 ( Master / 2ème cycle )

Master project

  • Practical Diploma Work ( social networks at IMD )

Communication Technology

  • Principles of digital communication
  • Stochastic processes for communications
  • Signal processing for communications
  • Relational database
  • Concurrency and compilation

Advanced Topics in Information Technology and Systems

  • Intelligent Agents
  • Compilation
  • Real-time Programming
  • Digital Photography
  • Peripheral Systems
  • Communication Systems Project
  • Optimization
  • Network Security
  • Information Systems and Software Modeling
  • Electronics (III)
  • Automatic Speech Processing
  • Intellectual Property Law I – ICT
  • Computer Graphics
  • Human-Computer Interaction – HCI
  • Text Data Processing
  • Systems and Genetic Programming
  • Communication Systems Project II

Digital Communication Technologies

  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Algebra for Digital Communications
  • Selected Chapters of Algorithmic

Information Technology and Networking

  • Conception of Information Systems
  • Cryptography and Security
  • Distributed Systems
  • Distributed Information Systems
  • Networks and Mobility


  • Compatibility
  • Industrial and Commercial Law II
  • Professional Communication A I, II
  • English

Topics for years 1, 2 ( Bachelor / Propédeutique )


  • Analysis I, II, III, IV
  • Linear Algebra I, II
  • Geometry
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Probability and Statistics I, II


  • General Physics I, II, III, IV
  • Electromagnetism I, II

Computer Science and Engineering

  • Electronics I, II
  • Logic Systems
  • Programming I, II, III (Java, C)
  • Environments and Elements of Operating Systems
  • Circuits and Systems I, II
  • Computer Networks I
  • Processor Design
  • Computer Architecture
  • Algorithm I, II
  • Operations Research I, II

I did this program in 2004, but it was not called a “master”. The former EPFL diploma is effectively equivalent to the current Master’s degree.

Certificat de maturité

Baccalauréat ès Sciences (High School Diploma) (July 1997)

High School with a focus on Sciences.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, general education

Togaf Foundation

TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Foundation (August 2023)

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is an enterprise architecture methodology that offers a high-level framework for enterprise software development.

  • Introduction and core concepts
  • Architecture development method (ADM)
  • ADM techniques
  • Applying the ADM
  • Architecture content
  • Enterprise architecture capability and governance

TOGAF, which stands for “The Open Group Architecture Framework,” is a widely used methodology and framework for enterprise architecture (EA) development and management. It provides a comprehensive approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing enterprise information technology architecture.

TOGAF is designed to help organizations create a structured and organized approach to managing their IT infrastructure and business processes. It aims to align an organization’s IT resources and strategies with its overall business goals and objectives. The framework provides a set of best practices, guidelines, templates, and tools to support the development and maintenance of an effective enterprise architecture.

Key features of TOGAF include:

  1. Architecture Development Method (ADM): The ADM is the core of TOGAF and provides a step-by-step process for creating and managing an enterprise architecture. It includes phases such as defining architecture principles, creating architecture vision, developing a baseline architecture, conducting gap analysis, and implementing changes.
  2. Architecture Content Framework: TOGAF defines a standardized way to organize and structure architecture-related artifacts, such as models, diagrams, documents, and specifications. This helps ensure consistency and clarity in communication across different architectural domains.
  3. Architecture Repository: The architecture repository is a centralized storage location for all architecture-related artifacts, documents, and deliverables. It helps manage and govern the architecture assets throughout their lifecycle.
  4. Guidelines and Techniques: TOGAF provides various guidelines and techniques to assist architects in making informed decisions during the architecture development process. These include techniques for stakeholder management, risk assessment, and more.
  5. Reference Models: TOGAF includes reference models, such as the TOGAF Technical Reference Model (TRM) and the TOGAF Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM), which provide guidance on different architectural aspects.
  6. TOGAF Certification: The Open Group offers certification programs for individuals and organizations to demonstrate their understanding and proficiency in TOGAF. These certifications validate expertise in using TOGAF concepts and practices.

Overall, TOGAF aims to enhance an organization’s ability to design and implement effective enterprise architectures that support business growth, agility, and innovation. It is widely used by architects, IT professionals, and organizations around the world as a standard approach for managing enterprise architecture

Badge on Credly.

You can authenticate it on
Registration ID: 457913669, Validation Number: 185862657

Professional scrum product owner

PSPO 1 (June 2023)

Product Owner is a key member of the Scrum team and plays a crucial role in defining and prioritizing the product backlog, as well as ensuring that the development team delivers valuable and high-quality increments of the product.

A Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) is a role within the Scrum framework, which is a popular agile methodology used in software development and project management. The Product Owner is a key member of the Scrum team and plays a crucial role in defining and prioritizing the product backlog, as well as ensuring that the development team delivers valuable and high-quality increments of the product.

Here are some key responsibilities and characteristics of a Professional Scrum Product Owner:

  1. Product Vision and Strategy: The Product Owner is responsible for creating and communicating a clear product vision to the development team and stakeholders. They must have a deep understanding of the product and its market, as well as the ability to align the team’s efforts with the overall business strategy.
  2. Defining and Prioritizing the Product Backlog: The Product Owner is in charge of maintaining a well-organized and prioritized product backlog. The backlog is a list of all desired features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other work items that need to be addressed by the development team. The Product Owner ensures that the most valuable items are at the top of the backlog and are ready for development.
  3. Collaboration with Stakeholders: The Product Owner works closely with stakeholders, customers, and end-users to gather feedback, understand their needs, and incorporate their requirements into the product backlog. They act as the voice of the customer within the Scrum team.
  4. Providing Direction to the Development Team: During the sprint planning meeting, the Product Owner discusses the priorities from the product backlog with the development team and clarifies any doubts or questions they may have. Throughout the sprint, the Product Owner is available to provide guidance and answer questions from the development team.
  5. Accepting Work Results: At the end of each sprint, the Product Owner reviews and accepts the completed work results (potentially shippable product increment) to ensure that they meet the acceptance criteria and align with the product’s vision.
  6. Adapting and Refining the Backlog: The Product Owner continuously refines and adapts the product backlog based on changing market conditions, customer feedback, and business priorities. This ensures that the development team is always working on the most valuable items.

To become a Professional Scrum Product Owner, individuals can undergo training and certification offered by or other accredited organizations. The PSPO certification validates the knowledge and understanding of the Scrum framework and the role-specific responsibilities of a Product Owner.

You can see my badge directly on scruOnline or Credly.

Professional scrum master

PSM 1 (July 2012)

A Scrum Master is a professional who leads a team using Agile project management through the course of a project. A Scrum Master facilitates all the communication and collaboration between leadership and team players to ensure a successful outcome.

A Professional Scrum Master (PSM) is a role within the Scrum framework, which is an agile methodology used in software development and project management. The Scrum Master is a key member of the Scrum team and is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum process is understood, adopted, and followed by the team and organization.

Here are some key responsibilities and characteristics of a Professional Scrum Master:

  1. Facilitating Scrum Events: The Scrum Master organizes and facilitates various Scrum events, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. They ensure that these meetings are productive and encourage collaboration among team members.
  2. Removing Impediments: The Scrum Master acts as a servant leader and is responsible for identifying and removing any obstacles or impediments that may hinder the progress of the Scrum team. They work proactively to create a conducive work environment for the team.
  3. Coaching and Mentoring: The Scrum Master coaches and mentors the Scrum team members on Scrum practices, values, and principles. They help team members understand their roles and responsibilities and encourage self-organization within the team.
  4. Promoting Agile Principles: The Scrum Master advocates for agile principles and values within the organization. They work to create a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.
  5. Protecting the Development Team: The Scrum Master shields the development team from external interruptions and influences that may disrupt their focus during a sprint. They help maintain a sustainable pace for the team’s work.
  6. Ensuring Scrum Artifacts are Transparent: The Scrum Master ensures that Scrum artifacts, such as the product backlog and sprint backlog, are transparent and up-to-date. They help the team and stakeholders understand the status of ongoing work.
  7. Monitoring Team Performance: The Scrum Master tracks and monitors the team’s progress and performance, using metrics and other means to identify areas for improvement.
  8. Promoting Collaboration: The Scrum Master fosters a collaborative and open work environment where communication flows freely among team members and stakeholders.

To become a Professional Scrum Master, individuals can undergo training and certification offered by or other accredited organizations. The PSM certification validates the knowledge and understanding of the Scrum framework, the role-specific responsibilities of a Scrum Master, and the application of Scrum principles in real-world scenarios.

You can see my badge directly on or Credly.

Lab4Tech, Humanys Solutions, OSEO Prima

Stages & internship.
Lab4Tech: 12th of June 2023 to 8th of September 2023.
Humanys Solution: 7th of December 2023 to 1st of Mars 2024.
OSEO Prima: April 2024 to June 2024.

The goal of Lab4Tech is to provide support to candidates to develop and validate their IT / IS knowledge. 3 months full-time (onsite).

I have been certified as a professional scrum product owner and I have validated my knowledge in Togaf.

Coaching to improve communication and CV. 10×0.5 days.

  • Personality Analysis
  • Application Portfolio
  • Personal Marketing Plan
  • Networking & Recruiters
  • Communication & Self-Presentation (DNA Vitae)
  • Digital Theory
  • Self-Marketing and Interview Preparation
  • Practical Digital Applications

Program targeting leaders and managers to develop their social network and social skills. 3 months full-time. (hybrid)

  1. Orientation and Goal Setting: An introduction to the program, setting the stage for participants to outline and refine their professional objectives.
  2. Skill Development Workshops: Tailored sessions on creating impactful resumes, cover letters, and preparing for interviews to enhance job application success.
  3. Professional and Personal Growth: Deep dives into understanding one’s life journey, clarifying professional projects, and transforming limiting beliefs to foster both personal and professional development.
  4. Networking and Digital Presence: Strategies for effective networking and stress management, alongside optimizing online profiles like LinkedIn for professional visibility.
  5. Presentation and Feedback: Opportunities for participants to present their professional projects, receiving constructive feedback to polish their presentation and communication skills, culminating in a review of progress and future planning.

Misc and Continuing education

I have many different interests, in particular on embedded object, machine learning, software architecture, electronics, project and product management, human interaction, 3d printing, drone, android development.

As a Geek I spend a considerable number of hours each day developing my skills.